Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Metropolis by Frotz Lang, Architecture and Film appreciation

category: Architecture and Film
film index: 04

film: Metropolis
director: Fritz Lang
writers: Thea von Harbou and Fritz Lang
production: Germany
release: 1927
playtime: 118 min
visual: Black and White (tinted)
Language: German
Genre:  Sci Fi
Cast: Alfred Abel... Joh Fredersen, Gustav Fröhlich ... Joh Fredersen's son, Rudolf Klein-Rogge...the inventor, Fritz Rasp ...The Thin Man, Theodor Loos ...Josaphat, Erwin Biswanger ...11811, Heinrich George ...Grot, Brigitte Helm ...The Creative Man / The Machine Man / Death / The Seven Deadly Sins / Maria
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In 2000 the city and society of Metropolis is divided into two classes, those who have the power and the means of production, living in luxury high-rise and workers sentenced to hard work and to live in subhuman conditions. Freder (Alfred Abel), son of Joh Fredersen (Gustav Frohlich), the person controlling the city at will discover the hard labor aspects of the workers and sympathize with their vindications, falling in love with Maria (Brigitte Helm), a kind of saint revered by workers who advises the love and non violence to solve their problems. The evil Fredersen, which includes the speech of Mary next to Rotwang inventor (Rudolf Klein-Rogge) to commission the manufacture of a robot identical to the girl to replace it and spread a message of violence.

In a megalopolis of the twenty-first century workers live in a ghetto underground where the industrial heartland with the prohibition to leave the outside world.  Spurred by a robot revolt against the intellectual class that has the power, threatening to destroy the city located on the surface. but Freder (Gustav Fröhlich), son of the leader of Metropolis, with the help of the beautiful Maria (Brigitte Helm) from a humble background, try to avoid destruction by appealing to the feelings and love.

The movie is set in 2026, in a city-state of enormous proportions called Metropolis. The society has been divided into two antagonistic groups and complementary: an elite of landowners and thinkers, who live on the surface, seeing the world from large skyscrapers and cityscapes, and a caste of workers, who live under the city and working tirelessly to maintain the lifestyle of the surface. El presidente-director de la ciudad es Johhan 'Joh' Fredersen (interpretado por el actor Alfred Abel). The president-director of the city is Johh 'Joh' Fredersen (played by actor Alfred Abel).

A charismatic figure and peacemaker named Mary champions the cause of workers. But instead of inciting a riot, urging workers to seek a peaceful solution and be patient, waiting for the "Mediator", which will link the two halves of society. Fredersen's son, Freder (Gustav Fröhlich) meets Mary and is smitten. At follow it without realizing it, enters the underworld workers and see for himself the appalling conditions in which they live and work, and absolute contempt for the owners, who prefer to bring more workers to the machines do not stop, they assist those who have accidents in them. Asqueado por lo que ve, Freder decide unirse a la causa de María. Disgusted by what he sees, Freder decides to join the cause of Mary.

However Fredersen has already realized the activities of Mary, and fearing a revolt of the workers, decides to seek help from Rotwang scientist (played by Rudolf Klein-Rogge), who in turn gives you a anthropomorphic robot his invention.The robot created by Rotwang behavior may take as much as the appearance of a person, so they decide to impersonate Mary. The robot is orders promote unrest and discontent, thereby allowing Fredersen launch violent repression against workers.What is known is that the robot Fredersen contains the spirit of Hel - Rotwang's ex-wife, who had an affair with the owner of the city, and died while giving birth to her son Freder - and that used to be machine Rotwang as an instrument of revenge against the president of Metropolis, his son, and the whole city.

The real Maria is imprisoned in the mansion Rotwang in Metropolis, while the robot's inflammatory rhetoric supersedes and spear. In addition, the robot starts to follow Rotwang initiatives in its plan of revenge, and becomes an exotic dancer at the prestigious cabaret Yoshiwara, exciting and clouding the reason for the audience, promoting discord and decay among young affluent. Following the bad advice of Robot-Maria, the workers began a revolt and destroy the "Heart Machine", which provides the energy that drives all other machines of Metropolis. The destruction of the machinery also causes water tanks in the city was flooded and flooded the underworld of the workers, who blinded by the speech of the robot, have neglected the safety of their children who end up being rescued by Fred and the real Mary. Realizing their mistake, desperate workers coming to the surface in search of their "enemy in the citadel", the alleged Mary.The crowd invaded the entertainment district of the city and capture the false Maria, which tied to a stake and set ablaze, while Fred observes everything and despair. But they soon realize that Mary is an impostor, to burn their flesh false and laid bare the robot, and to see Maria being chased by the crazed Rowang on the rooftops of the city's cathedral. Freder chases Rotwang, and faces up to the latter is precipitated from the roof to his death. Maria and Freder return to the street and go to meet Joh and Grot (city leaders and workers) and suggest the beginning of a new society.

Under the slogan "mediator between brain and hand must be the heart", to be interpreted as the need for the ability to love the human being brings together reason and force, are reconciled Joh Fredersen mogul and workers of Metropolis thanks to Fred, who incarnate the three terms in this equation: reason, work and heart.

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